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Manitoba Skilled Worker and Overseas Skilled Worker Program

The Manitoba Skilled Worker Program is an employer driven program, in which high skilled temporary foreign nationals can apply as qualified temporary foreign workers, if currently working in Manitoba and with an offer of full-time, permanent employment. Your employer must be unable to fill your position with a Canadian citizen or permanent resident from the local labour force. The program includes workers with occupational skills in one the following categories: Managerial jobs NOC skill 0, Professional jobs NOC skill A and Technical jobs and skilled trades jobs NOC skill B. This is not a points system.


If you seek to immigrate to Canada via the Manitoba Skilled Worker Program, and plan to submit an ‘Expression of Interest’ to settle permanently in Manitoba, you need to ensure you meet a list of criteria before submitting.

In order to qualify for the Manitoba Skilled Worker Program, you must:

  • have worked at least 6 months full-time with an approved Manitoba employer
  • have secured a full-time, permanent offer of employment, at regional wages, in a field directly related to your highly skilled training
  • you must be employed by a Manitoba employer, who also meets the requirements of the program
  • have the required training/education and any required license or certification along with a post-secondary education, equivalent to that of Canadian standards
  • show evidence that you plan to settle in Manitoba permanently by producing proof of research, visits, professional networking efforts, employment connections, and family ties with established residents
  • submit documented proof that you have at least 2 years’ experience working in a high-skill occupation level NOC 0, A or B
  • submit language skill level test results, that are less than 2 years old, that confirm you have the required language skills by Canadian Language Benchmark level 7 standards
  • submit a settlement plan and show that you have adequate settlement funds for you and your dependents ($10,000.00 CAD plus $2,000.00 CAD for spouse and each dependent)

Manitoba Skilled Workers Overseas Program

The Manitoba Skilled Workers Overseas Program is for foreign skilled workers who are applying from outside Canada. A points system is used to determine your suitability as a candidate for the MPNP. This includes awarding points for already establishing a strong connection to the province professionally and having strong family ties with permanent residents already settled in the province.

You need to have already applied to the Express Entry system and been awarded an Express Entry profile. Scoring a minimum of 60 points out of 100 is required to go forward to the next step. Once you have submitted an Expression of Interest to the MPNP, your profile is reviewed to see if an offer should be extended to you to apply to enter Manitoba through the MPNP, based on your professional and family connections, education and/or training, work experience and language skills. If the MPNP finds you to be a suitable candidate who can fill a void in the province’s workforce, you may be nominated to join the pool of IRCC pool of candidates for permanent resident status.

  • have secured a full-time, permanent offer of employment, at regional wages, in a field directly related to your highly skilled training, with a Manitoba employer, who also meets the requirements of the program
  • have the required training/education and any required license or certification along with a post-secondary education, equivalent to that of Canadian standards
  • show evidence that you plan to settle in Manitoba permanently by producing proof of research, visits, professional networking efforts, employment connections, and family ties with members that have established themselves in the province already
  • submit documented proof that you have at least 2 years’ experience working in a high-skill occupation level equivalent to NOC 0, A or B
  • submit language skill level test results, less than 2 years old, that confirm you have the required language skills, by Canadian Language Benchmark level 7 standards
  • create a settlement plan and show that you have adequate settlement funds for you and your dependents

In order to apply to the Manitoba Skilled Worker Program, you must have a good application package. That is where our team excels. We’ll help you make sure every detail is covered and presented well. Learn more about Manitoba.

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